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Ever Think About Walking Away?

If you have considered walking away from the ministry, you are not alone. In fact, every year more and more ministers are walking away from ministry for good. In fact, 80 percent (4 out of every 5) pastors will quit ministry forever before year 5 of their ministry. If you have made it longer than that in your ministry, you are one of the few. But why are so many leaving?? This question has torn me up for awhile now. The most popular answer seemed to be, "Well, they just didn't make enough money." I'm going on record here that, "I DO NOT BUY THAT." If you went into ministry for the great paycheck, you had the wrong school counselor! After 17 years as a full time staff pastor, I became totally convinced that there had to be more to it- more to WHY so many pastors were leaving ministry. So I devoted a lot of time and research during my Master's degree and Doctorate work at Bethel seminary, toward finding out the real reasons why pastors quit ministry completely. I also outlined the proven strategies to keep pastors in ministry for the long haul. I compiled the results of my research into a book, which I sincerely pray will be an encouragement to you, to new pastors, and even to those who have been in the trenches awhile. Some of the topics covered are A. Navigating difficult ministry transitions B. Putting your marriage and family ahead of "work" C. Surviving conflict and difficult people D. Noticing the signs of burnout E. Getting the support you need and more. This book has been years in the works and will be available in just 2 weeks on Amazon, Kindle and more. This is not a book for children's pastors only. ANYONE who serves in ministry will benefit! Here is what some of the a few of the experts have to say from their sneak peak of "Why We Quit." More to come- keep watching for the blog tour soon!

"I have admired Trisha Peach since the first time we sat down and talked. She is the real deal who loves God’s people and the local church. I am so thankful I never quit in ministry to kids even as I aim for my 5th decade in ministry there seems to be more challenges for those of us in ministry today, like no other time in history. I believe this book is a game changer for people in ministry no matter how long or how short you have been on your ministry journey. The wisdom Trisha gives and the research she presents is just pure gold. If you’re serious about finishing strong and being faithful for the long haul then read this book!"

Jim Wideman

Kidmin Pioneer, and Family Pastor at The Belonging Co. Nashville, TN

"The best way to be successful in ministry is to stay in ministry. But that's harder said than done. It takes wisdom, tenacity and a close walk with God to go the distance. Starting out many people don't understand just how challenging it is to go the distance. We know this by the reports we hear about the many leaders who step out of ministry each month. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this book, by my friend Trisha, you'll discover the keys and tools you need to stay faithful for life. This book can help you say what the Apostle Paul said at the end of his journey. He was able say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have remained faithful." I believe greatness in ministry is not measured in years, but in decades. May that be our testimony.

Dale Hudson, Founder and CEO of Building Children's Ministry

"Trisha Peach tackles one of the most pressing issues facing the Church, today. Ministerial burnout is a real crisis and affects the entire congregation, not just the pastor. In this book, Trisha informs, encourages, and empowers ministers to stay in it for the long haul. I pray you are inspired as you read and that you DON’T QUIT!"

Brian Dollar

Author, Pastor, Founder of High Voltage Kids Ministry Resources

"The Kingdom of God is transformed people who transform society. The evidence, however, seems to suggest that personal transformation and self-care is the one thing that consistently gets squeezed out of the calendar when the mission and the demands of church and church culture as it stands, come calling. This book is a call back to what is important. A reminder not to dismiss our own overburdened life as - simply a season,- but to address wholeness and health as a not just as a factor in good ministry but a fundamental foundation. Scripture says we can do nothing of our own strength, but all the strength we need is available to us as we abide in the vine. Thank you, Trisha, for reminding us what is at stake and daring to suggest a re-evaluation of what it truly means for a leader to be in Christ."

Nicki Straza

Discipleship/Leadership Development Pastor

Freedom House

If you've ever felt like quitting the ministry life, and I believe we all have at some point or another, then this book is for you! Trisha has done some wonderful research on this subject and my eyes were definitely opened. Too many times we choose to throw in the towel and give up because this is not what we signed up for. Ministry isn't supposed to be this hard. Trisha will help you see the warning signs of burnout and will give you guidance through the storms of ministry life. I believe you will also be encouraged by the real-life ministry stories she shares. What hope it brings to know we are not alone in serving the Lord in the ministry.

Vanessa Myers, Children's Minister, Author of Rise Up: Choosing Faith over Fear in Christian Ministry

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