That Night I Almost Died
For a few unbearable moments, I would have been grateful to just die so that it could be over. In the back of my head, a small voice...
Ever Think About Walking Away?
If you have considered walking away from the ministry, you are not alone. In fact, every year more and more ministers are walking away...

A recent article I read stated that women are four times more likely than a man to apologize all the way through a presentation.[1] Those...

Say Hello To Book 2- Beyond Basics!
My second book "Your Children's Ministry Beyond Basics" has gone live on Amazon! This book goes FURTHER into those tougher topics of...

The Night That Could Have Ruined My Ministry, and the one Rule that Saved It.
“But please Pastor Trish, just this once?” her enormous blue eyes pleaded with me, “This is really serious. I need to tell you something....

First Look at Book Two!
About a year ago, I was nervously and excitedly awaiting the release of my first book, “Your Children’s Ministry From Scratch.” For over...

KidMin Ninja and You!
KIDMIN NINJA…and YOU! Interested in taking your church’s kid’s ministry to the next level? Welcome to the DOJO. Pastor Trisha can bring...

Your Church Conflict Survival Guide!
As far as I know, no one wakes up one morning and says, “Oh wait, I forgot I HATE ministering to people. I’ll go be a plumber”. And yet,...

The child driven home and your kid's ministry
The culture of our world has changes rapidly. A few years ago, families were primarily two-parent homes that were led by the parents,...